Tag Archives: The Pubcrawlers

The PubCrawlers: Barn Yard Beasts

The PubCrawlers are a fine young Celtic-Punk band from New Hampshire following in the footsteps of Flogging Molly and the Dropkick Murphys. The interview was conducted via e-mail with Jon, Andy and Chad from the band.

(S’n’O) 1. Tell me about the band. Who’s in it and how did you get together?

(Pub Crawlers)
Jon: I originally wanted to get a band together around December of ’01, but only passively pursued it. Met this great drummer on a message board who used to live in the area but lived about an hour away… I [also] ended up hearing back from this guy [Kevin, Mandolin & vocals], who said he saw my ad while drinking at the Barley Pub in Dover (great pub, if you’re ever in the area, almost exclusively carries regional beer, with the exception of Guinness and Pabst Blue Ribbon). Anyways, myself, Andy and Kevin decide to meet at the Barley Pub to see how well we mesh with each other and, if nothing else, get a few pints of beer. By the end of the night, we were sitting in Kevin’s big red truck, playing different CDs that we all dug, and we really kind of hit it off. We drew up directions to a practice space that was somewhere in between Dover and Portland, and had a list of trad songs we wanted to, uh, bastardize (Finnegan’s Wake and The Irish Rover, two of our first songs). In about a month, we had our first banjo player, Kris, and a guitar player, Chad, who Andy apparently strong-armed into being in the band. Actually, if I remember the story correctly, he ‘informed’ him that he was going to play guitar for us, temporarily. Well he never quite left, which is great, cause he’s one hell of a musician, and brings a lot of attitude to the band. Kris ended up parting ways, sighting that whole buckling down and trying to be responsible thing. Great guy though – he’s dropped by a few times since then, and I know he and Andy have known each other for years. That’s really where our lineup stabilized. Our current banjo/2nd guitar player, Seth, came out to one of our first shows after expressing interest in playing with us. He seemed quiet at first, but then when he came to practice, it just worked. He was definitely on the same wavelength as the rest of us. He’s an incredible musician, and quite frankly, half of our equipment is his. All I know about how we picked up Rabbi is that Chad found him in a Portland music shop. He discovered that he played tin whistle and accordian as well as the concertina (which was lost in a car fire) and can do this amazing Rabbi impression (thus the nickname). Just whatever you do, don’t ask him about the grape-nuts. That’s pretty much how the lineup has been for the last 10 months; I don’t foresee if fluctuating terribly much from how we are now. Maybe the addition of a fiddle player or a piper.

Andy: Yeah, that first night at the Barley Pub was definitely the beginning. Prior to The Pubcrawlers, I was playing in an Oi! band from Portland called the Lunch Money Thugs and we did punk versions of some Celtic stuff (The Pogues’ Sally MacLennane, for one). I really enjoyed playing those tunes and of course a lot of the traditional stuff is what I grew up listening to, so when the Thugs broke up and I saw Jon’s advertisement, there was really no question that it was what I wanted to do.
Speaking of fiddlers and pipers, we’re very interested in adding one or both, currently, so if anyone out there lives with reasonable distance of Wells, Maine and is interested, please drop us a line.

Chad: They made me do it.

(S’n’O) 2. You just released your 2nd demo CD. How’s it been doing? Are you happy with it? What type of feedback have you been getting?

(Pub Crawlers)
Jon: Pretty well, actually. I’m not sure how it’s doing in terms of actual numbers, though I do know that we’ve already had to order a second batch, and we’re working though that at a decent rate. Seth would be the man to talk to, since he keeps all the books. As far as the CD goes? I am very happy for what it was, we had 12 hours of studio time, and used it to cut a live take CD. The only thing that was dubbed was the vocals, so they’d be clear.

Andy: Actually we’ve been flying through our first two runs of the CD. There’s a guy in Japan who’s selling it, as well as our pins, out of his record store in Tokyo. We’ve also received orders from Germany, France, England, Scotland, Canada and all over the U.S., so we really have no complaints. Quality wise, I think we’re all very happy with it, though of course there’s always room for improvement. Doing 6 songs in 12 hours is pretty unheard of, but I think we achieved the ‘live’ feel we were shooting for that way (that’s band-ese for “we’re too friggin’ poor to afford any more studio time so we’ll take what we can get”). Speaking of which, we did the recording at the Electric Cave in Portsmouth, owned and run by Jim Tierney. It’s a hell of a place to record if you’re on a budget and he’ll treat you right.
We’ve been getting some amazing feedback — it seems like every person who’s ordered from me off of our Web site has taken the time to write back and let me know how much they enjoyed it. Makes you feel really good when that happens.

Chad: I think that the CD is great but im really anxious to get back into the studio and do a full length.

(S’n’O) 3. Any plans for a follow up / proper CD?

(Pub Crawlers)
Jon: Our second demo is great for what it is, It helps us get our name out there, and take us home with them. However, I’m really eager to sit down and record our first full length. We have about 4 songs we need to finish writing and fine tuning, and then we’d be good to go. There’s a good chance we may record it with our own equipment, and bring in an outside sound engineer / producer to work with us. We’ve come such a long way from our last demo, and I can’t wait for people to hear the difference.

Andy: We’re always writing and we definitely have enough material now for a decent full-length album. There’s been some discussion about whether or not releasing a ‘proper’ full-length CD should be contingent upon us getting signed, but I’m pretty sure it will happen within the next year or so, one way or another.

(S’n’O) 4. Your set on the Punk Rock Fleadh at McGanns was a blast. How was the rest of the tour? Did you notice big differences in how the bands went down in each city. Who do you think were the best band of the tour. Any future plans for another Fleadh?

(Pub Crawlers)
Jon: The rest of the tour was great. We discovered we have a new home away from home, and that’s Rocky Sullivans, somewhere between Lexington and 23rd (I think) in NYC.

Andy: Lexington and 28th.

Jon: It’s the Ruffians’ home bar, they play there every Sunday, so go check them out if you get the chance. They have a particularly moving version of the Parting Glass. Also, we really hit it off with Jackdaw, a great Celtic rock band out of Buffalo, NY. I have a strange feeling that there will be much liver abuse involving those boys. Also, can’t say enough about the Skels. They’re really great guys, and alot of fun, and have given us nothing but support, which is really important when you’re a relatively new band. I really can’t wait to make a good pub tour with them. There’s something about those Jersey bands, The Skels and the Hudson Falcons in specifically, just amazing people.

Andy: In addition to Rocky’s, McGann’s in Boston is an amazing, authentic pub and the show there (which was the first of the tour) was absolutely incredible. If we have half as much fun there next year as we did this year, it’ll still be worth the trip.

Jon: The only real plans we have are to get in front of as many people as possible and tear it up. Wherever that takes is where we’ll go. I know we’ve been talking to Jackdaw and the Skels about setting up more shows, that’s the only sure thing I know right now. Also, that we have a weekend coming up with the boys from Far From Finished. Talk to Andy, he does most of our booking.

Andy: Every other band on this bill was incredible. The Skels have been a personal favorite of mine for a very long time now, and sharing the stage (as well as the microphone) with them was definitely a highlight. We’re very lucky to have been a part of it. Many thanks to Kristen of MadCat Productions and Pete from The Gobshites for all their hard work setting this up. Can’t wait to do it next year.

Chad: The rest of the tour was great. Many thanks to Henry of the Skels for showing us some great spots in Jersey.

(S’n’O) 5. You also played with Mike McColgan’s new band (The Street Dogs) in Cambridge’s Middle East. How was that show and what do you think of The Street Dogs?

(Pub Crawlers)
Jon: Haha, well, truth be known, the Street Dogs cancelled on that bill, so we never got to play with them. Honestly, though? From what I’ve heard off of their soon to be released CD, the Street Dogs are going to be pretty big; The stuff is just amazing. If you haven’t checked out the single they have on their website, Fighter, I highly recommend it.

Andy: The Street Dogs would do well based on McColgan’s involvement alone, and the fact that they’re really, really good on top of that seals the deal. I think a lot of people might be disappointed as they’re going to be expecting the Dropkick Murphys Part 2, which the SD are not, but if the kids can drop that stigma and listen with fresh ears then they won’t be disappointed. We were very disappointed that they cancelled that show, but shit happens and we’re trying to sort something out with them right now.

(S’n’O) 6. Obviously there is a big Flogging Molly / Dropkicks / Pogues influence in your music but I’m hearing Metal and Hard Core – Who are your other influences?

(Pub Crawlers)
Jon: Actually, thats funny, because my biggest concern when we started the band was that we might sound like any of the bands you mentioned above. I think we’ve definitely carved out our own sound. There’s a whole mess of different influences in the band. I mean Andy and myself love Ska, for example, and I think that comes out in some of our arrangements. Chad has a very strong acoustic/bluegrass edge.

Andy: Chad mostly brings the metal, as well.

Chad: Yes, I do.

Jon: And yes, Half the band grew up listening to metal, and that really comes out with the way we structure some of our songs. I made the joke once that we do to Celt what The Mighty Mighty Bosstones did to Ska. As more time progresses, I’m starting to realize there’s some truth in that comment. We’re Celtcore. Speaking personally, I’d say the main influences to my bass playing have been alot of second generation ska, as well as Rancid’s bass player, Matt Freeman. Anything other than playing the same three damn notes over and over again (though admittedly, that has its time and place, too).

Andy: We do get quite a few Dropkicks/FM comparisons, mostly because there just aren’t all that many non-acoustic Celtic punk bands out there, but I truly don’t believe that we sound like either of those bands, which as Jon said is something we tried to avoid from the beginning. We try not to limit ourselves stylistically while leaving no doubt that we’re a Celtic band. We’re finishing up a song right now that has a Doo-wop breakdown, for the love of God! There aren’t a lot of styles that I haven’t personally been influenced by but punk and traditional ska have been the norm for the past 10 years or so. I also play the bodhran which I’m trying to incorporate more and more.

Chad: I am myself am new to the Celtic thing. I don’t pretend to know any sort of style. I just do what I think sounds good,(Lots of palm mutes, heavy gain and cross picking!) and alot of the time it works with the kinds of songs we are trying to do.

(S’n’O) 7. What’s your dreams for the PubCrawlers?

(Pub Crawlers)
Jon: The biggest and most important dream I have is to actually be able to make a decent living playing music and traveling. Making music is very important to me, as is seeing people enjoy themselves. If I can spend my days helping someone escape the worries of the world for a few hours, have a couple of pints of beer, dance, get rowdy, and have a good time, then I’ve done more than I could have ever hoped for.
As far as playing with other bands? I’d love to play with Flogging Molly. Maybe even go on tour with them. I’ve met some of them, and some of my friends have known them for a few years now, and I think it would be one hell of a crazy party. Also, I’m hoping we get to play with the Tossers. I loved those guys the second I heard “The Pub” off of Long Dim Road. Agree or disagree with their politics, one cannot argue how passionate they are with what they do. Their most recent disc Purgatory, is just incredible.

Andy: I think that being “successful” in music is a relative concept. Sure, I’d love to be able to support myself by playing music, but let’s face it, that’s usually not a realistic proposition. Unless you happen to be in the right place at the right time and get spotted by a record company rep who snaps you up on the spot, you’re pretty much stuck scheduling gigs whenever you can around your day job. However, if you can do that and still manage to build up a decent fan base — which I think we’re well on our way to doing — then that’s a form of success in its own right. In short, I guess my personal ultimate goal for the band (realistically, anyway) is to play for as many people as often as possible. Monetary success is secondary to being known and liked. As long as we’re making enough through gigs and merch to keep going and turn on a few more people each time, then I’m happy.

Chad: I want a bus.

(S’n’O) 8. Thanks guys for taking the time to answer my questions. Anything else you’d like to say?

(Pub Crawlers)
Jon: Wow, I’m sure that was more than anyone has ever wanted to know about us. I hope no one’s asleep.
Yeah, I’d like to thank everyone who’s supported us over the last year or so. I mean, I know I like playing music and entertaining people, however, that doesn’t mean I thought I was any good at it! Also, Thanks to the rest of the band, as well as their girlfriends (as well as my own!). It’s really become an extended family to me at this point, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
And finally? Beer.

Andy: I second that. There are many, many people who have gone out of their way for us and I can’t thank them enough. Whether it’s the “Significant Others Club” who still manage to make it out to every single show or members of other bands who constantly want to play with us, it’s definitely appreciated. Also, thanks a lot for taking time with us. Cheers!

Chad: Yeah thanks alot for your time and thanks to everyone who comes out to our shows.

BibleCodeSundays, The PubCrawlers, TheGobshites – Bulfinch Yacht Club, Boston (April 6, 2007)

Don’t be fooled by the name – The Bulfinch Yacht Club is a pretty cool rock club. A good size room, decent stage (though built for regular 4 piece bands not 8 piece celtic punk bands so all the bands were a little cramped playing) and nice sound system. The people who run the place were pretty cool as well. Some of you might remember the place when it was The Irish Embassy back in the 90’s were Black 47 would play on a regular basis

First up on stage were old friends The PubCrawlers, who despite being one member short (the mandolin player – though I almost think there wouldn’t have been room on stage anyway) played a real solid set. The band has had a few line up changes since last time I saw them including adding new vocalist Ron. Ron has added a much stronger Street Punk/Oi feel to the band which I think is the right direction for them.

BibleCodeSundays were next and by the time they came on the club was pretty full – not bad for Good Friday – the band lined up straight across the stage with drummer Carlton kicking up a huge storm from behind and with big smiles on their faces, great songs (both from the debut CD and from the forth coming release) and musically a tight as the proverbial ducks ass BCS kicked the shit outta the audience. The crowd swelled forward and they made a hell of a lot of new friends in Boston

Much thanks to Pete from the Gobshites for being part of the night. Peter played a solo show across town earlier so it was really cool of him and The Gobshites to play. The Gobshites were their usual fun selves and treated every one to a great time – I’d have a fuller review but by the time The Gobshites came on I was totally shit faced but that’s the point of going to a Gobshits gig anyway, isn’t it?.

Review by Mustard Finnegan

Punk Rock Fleadh w/The PubCawlers, The Gobshites, The Ruffians, Jackdaw, The Skels – McGanns, Boston, MA (August 15, 2003)

First off thanks to Kristen MadCat for going to the trouble of and taking the risk putting together the Punk Rock Fleadh, the Boston stop was a great success and hopefully the other gigs were similar and fingers crossed more will follow.

First up taking the low stage of McGanns were the New Hampshire/Southern Maine based the Pubcrawlers who played a short, powerful set of traditional standards and original compositions that got the growing crowd warmed up and scared off anyone that shouldn’t have been there. The Skels after some prompting were good enough to join them on stage during Finnegan’ Wake. The Pubcrawlers have always shown big promise on their demos and live they keep that promise. My biggest problem with the demos was always the vocals, yet live vocal man, Kevin hits the nail on the head every time.

The Gobshites followed and staying true to their name they were a bunch of Gobshites. The singer (Pete, I think) is a seriously funny bastard and the music as hoot even with the out of tune fiddle. The set started with the Pogues, “Streams of Whiskey” and ended with “Frigging in the Rigging” and in between we were treated to jokes, silly songs all given the acoustic-Celtic-hardcore treatment, a little rap also given the acoustic-Celtic-hardcore and Andy from the PubCrawlers reading a limerick.

Next up taking the stage were NYC’s The Ruffians who made a grand entrance through the audience marching behind the most colorful bagpiper I’ve ever seen. The set was tight Irish influenced Rock’n’Roll what would be closer in sound to say the Prodigals then the Dropkick Murphys. My biggest complaint was the over-distortion of the guitars during the first couple of songs.

I’m considering suing Jackdaw for terminal damage to my hearing – I’m writing this 3 days later and my ears are still ring – it only took two days for my head to stop pounding- I suing Guinness on that one. These guys just blew me away. I heard both of their CD’s through a friend who was raving about them and neither impressed me particular (I’m going to be checking them out again.) But live they were unbelievable, tight as the proverbial ducks arse or more correctly AC/DC’s rhythm section. Actually someone described them to me after the set as AC/DC with bagpipes though I’m more inclined to go with a Celtic Wall of Sound description. They certainly impressed me and a sizable section of the crowd who whipped up a serious pit – not bad for a band who were completely unknown in Boston before their set. Hopefully they come back soon and if you ever get a chance check’em out. One issue though and that’s the Bagpipers kilt was too short – never wear a Kilt above the knee, people start to ask funny questions about you.

The Skels headlined and I hate to say this but I had to fuck off home after 3 songs – I’m sure the Skels were their usual selves and gave a riot of a show (the new CD is the fucking business but you know that anyway).

Shamrocked, Part 2 – Inside the Shamrock-N-Roll Festival (September 2011)

September 15, 2011

John Curtin is the drummer Tin Whistle and  Bodhran play for The Gobshites (and a stand-up comic but not with The Gobshites – that’s Pete Walsh’s gig).  John posted recently on his blog, “This Is Not A Rant”, an non-rant about the Shamrock-N-Roll Festival stop in Bangor where The Gobshites played – I thought it would be cool to post as a review of the show and an insider view of what was going on. So, in John’s own words……

This weekend was pretty exciting.  The Gobshites played Shamrock-N-Roll Festival in Bangor, Maine with headliners Dropkick Murphy’s, as well as Stiff Little Fingers, Street Dogs, the Mahones, Chuck Ragan, and the Parkington Sisters.  We were part of the local band “Undercard” that included Pubcrawlers, Bar Stuards, Beantown Boozehounds, and the O’Tooles.  Our set wasn’t until 3PM, but we had to be there at 10 in the morning, which meant leaving the house at 5.  Ah, the life of a rock star.  Due to a couple of last minute cancellations, I ended up playing drums (And a HUGE thanks to the O’Tooles for letting us use their kit.  Lifesavers, so y’are!), and we borrowed Travis from the Pubcrawlers (Another big thank you) to play tin whistle.

It was a long day, but boy was it fun.  The local bands hung out in the field behind the “B” stage, and it was like a cookout without the grill.  Everyone brought their amber-colored liquid of choice (mine, of course, was iced tea), and Jess went into teacher mode and organized the snacks along with the Pubcrawlers’ ladies (Who brought sandwich making materials.  We brought plenty of crunchy stuff, plus popcakes and Nutella.  We definitely made some converts that day.).  Everyone came out to watch each other’s sets, and there was actually a pretty decent sized crown there from the start.  We’ve played festivals where no one really shows up until the main acts start, so it was nice to see folks supporting the local acts too.  It definitely added to everyone’s energy on stage, which resulted in some really fun sets from everyone.

As for our performance, well, it could have been better in my opinion.  But nonetheless, we were well received.  Actually, the crowd seemed to appreciate everyone, which was nice.  For some reason, I kept dropping sticks.  I don’t know if it was exhaustion from the long drive or what, but my right hand just could not seem to get a proper grip on the drumstick.  Weird.  Plus I could barely hear the rest of the band, so I don’t even know if I was playing in time.  Oh well, it’s punk rock, it’s not supposed to be pretty.  At least I had the Nutella handy to wash all of my frustrations away…

The main stage started up around 6 or so, with the first act being the Parkington Sisters.  Not an act you’d typically expect to see at a show like this.  But what they lacked in sonic boom-ness, they made up for in profanity.  There’s just something about a hot chick that can wail on a fiddle and swear like a stevedore.  I’ve been listening to a lot of rootsy music lately, so they were a welcome interlude.  Not everyone liked them, but Jess and I did, so they made at least two fans that day.  Mahones were up next.  We opened for them in Boston last Summer, but I unfortunately had to miss that show, so this was actually the first time I’d ever seen them live.  Wow, they put on a great show.  Their whistle player is simply amazing, and their accordion player was lively and leggy.  Mama’s got a squeezebox, indeed.

Chuck Ragan had a good set, although I had gone to get dinner during much of it.  His low growl and emotion really drove his folk punk songs.  I need to pick up some of his music.  We’ve played withStreet Dogs before, and they’re about as good a punk rock band as there is nowadays.  Mike and Johnny really know how to fire up a crowd, everybody was moving and having a good time during their set.  If they come to your town, make sure you don’t miss it.  For reals, these guys scorched the stage.

The band I was most excited to see was Stiff Little Fingers.  Punk rock legends.  Northern Ireland’s answer to The Clash.  As with the Mahones, I had to miss the show we opened for them a few months ago, so this was a second chance to bask in the glow of one of my all time favorite bands.  They pulled out almost all the hits.  I found myself singing along like a twelve year old girl at a Justine Bieber concert (No, I’m not linking to his website.).

We didn’t stay for the entire Dropkick Murphy’s set, because by then we’d been walking around and rocking out for nearly 12 hours.  So I missed the acoustic part of the show, and the part where Ken Casey stepped on my friend Gina’s head (She’s fine, she actually got kind of psyched about it.).  I’ve seen them many many times, and they’re a great live act, but we were totally spent and decided to call it a night.  Luckily, Jess has family not too far away, so we sacked out there with two of the biggest dogs I’ve ever seen and a kitten with double paws, who seemed and acted like a long lost relative of Finn.

Sunday’s drive home was long, but fun (I retained my Punchbuggy crown), and we ended the weekend at Secret Society Tattoo and Art Gallery in Worcester.  They were having an art opening for a local artist, and Jess was pouring the whisky (she spells it without the “E”, so I will too).  The food was good, and I met some cool folks from the Worcester arts scene.  Jeff Gemma and Danny Gunns, the guys who do the ink slinging there, were in attendance (Jeff is actually the owner), and it was a cool, laid back way to finish the weekend.

Tonight, the Gobshites try out a new drummer, and we’re playing out on the deck again this Friday at Mick Morgan’s in Sharon.  Last time there was an absolute blast, so I’m definitely looking forward to this show.  Stop by and say hi if you can.

Souveniers are available in the gift shop…

John Curtin


The Pubcrawlers: From the Barn to the Bar

A much improved Pubcrawlers are back with a 6-song demo follow up to their first demo. The band are starting to define a strong style of their own with strong influences from Irish Folk, Oi/Street Punk and Metal. The closest influence is obviously the DKM’s but the Crawlers metallic guitars give the band their own edge. The CD opens with “The Irish Combine”, the weakest track in my opinion – the vocals just don’t have the rough edge needed to keep up with the music, two fine traditional covers follow, The Rattlin Bog and The Irish Rover (For the grand city hall in New York – YANKEES SUCK – nice guys!!!) both given the DKM treatment ala Finnegans Wake. Boston Subway is a much strong original composition and “Tripping Up The Stairs/An Honest Gamble” is fantastic, definitely the standout track. Things end on a metal note with a medley of Canon in D, Hole in the Wall and Johnny Comes Marching Home. In summary still not perfect but getting closer.

September 2003

Various: Paddy Rock Vol.3

Hats off to Paddy Rock’s John Bowels (again) for putting together another great compilation of the finest Punk and Celtic Rock. And as with his previous comps he’s managed to surprise me with a host of fine new bands even to my ears and of course some great bands well known over in Shite’n’Onions world and a couple of tracks I actually wanted to use on Shite’n’Onions V3. Highlights’ include Catgut Mary of course, the Finns Fury powerful cover of ‘The Auld Triangle’, and then new and reinvigorated Pubcrawlers. This has inspired me to get the finger outta me own arse and start pulling together Shite’n’Onions V3 – incase John nabs the reaminder of my tracks for his V4. Copies of Paddy Rock Vol. 3 are available here http://www.cafepress.com/paddyrock.165669694. Pick it up and help keep a great radio show on the air.


The Pubcrawlers: One Too Many Again

The Pubcrawlers, for those whose don’t know, is a ten-headed, sonic hydra belching out briny pub-shanties with infectious enthusiasm and a loaded arsenal at their disposal.

This beast is fronted by a salty-voiced pirate of a vocalist whose spleenful barking resembles something closer to enraged spoken-word poetry than actually singing, for a result perfectly befitting the nautically-themed songs on this, the band’s second full-length CD.

One Too Many Again is a 13-track collection of Celtic folk-punk songs/tunes with a strong pirate-sounding influence, (including a paean to The American Hockey League team out of Maine, The Portland Pirates!) on a large and varied collection of instruments including bagpipes, accordion, drums, fiddle, mandolin, guitars, banjo, bass, and tin whistle.

The high-impact, energetic assortment of songs and tunes extolls the virtues and pitfalls of the bottle, Lady Luck and that ficklest of mistresses, the sea. And although the entire release moves along at a pretty good clip with no real ballads, the band does include a guttural, yet particularly emotional version of ‘Back Home In Derry.’

The ‘Crawlers may enter the fray with one metric sh*tload of traditional instruments, (everything shy of the Tibetan anus flute!), but, to their credit, they don’t try to stuff all of their sounds in together for every minute, but instead create a rich, multi-layered sound of convincing sea ditties, mug-swingers and fist-pumpers.

So if you like your buckles swashed, your sea-dogs scurvy and your Celtic folk-punk with the sting of sea-spray, you may want to get yer hooks into this release.


Review by Christopher Toler, THE Blathering Gommel

Shite’n’Onions: What the Shite

What can I say really? Unless you’re dead, there’s no real reason not to own this compilation… S’n’O II contains some of the best up and coming Celt-Punk (Or whatever) bands out there. Some of them you may know, and some of them you probably won’t. Containing 20 tracks from 18 of the best bands of the “genre” What The Shite is pretty much the ultimate mix tape ever. I seriously haven’t been able to finish any other reviews because this bad boy won’t leave my CD player. (Trust me, that IS saying something.) To say the least, I was surprised (and proud) when S’n’O Volume I came out. Ol’ Murph certianly had an ace card up his sleeve for that one. Shite’n’Onions Volume II is even better! An effin’ royal flush, folks!

Track One is called “Drunken Sailor” & it comes from the Blaggards. You might have heard the song “Drunken Sailor” before, but within two seconds of hearing this version you’ll agree this is one of the better versions out there. (Shay Given approved)

Up next is “Hogjaw” from Jackdaw. it’s a damn same I live so far away from these guys, because from what I’ve heard, Jackdaw’s live show will blow the roof off. Turn up the volume to 11 if you’d like an instant skylight for your home.

Three’s a charm, as they say. The Go Set hails from the shores of Australia, and instantly became of of my favorite bands, and “Sing Me A Song” is a great example. If you like DKM’s “Do Or Die”, you’ll love this!

Track 4 is reserved for The Kissers – “Kicked In The Head” Less than a week ago, The Kissers came through town, and all night long I screamed at the top of my lungs “You Bastards! Play Kicked In The Head!!!” As I’m sure anyone within 5 blocks could tell you that night, I’m a big fan of the song. I’m an even bigger fan of the band, even if their squeezebox player beat me at pool… (The table was crooked.)

Number 5 is for all those Cow-Punks out there. “Pub With No Beer” by Boston’s own, Three Day Threshold. What do they sound like you ask? Just imagine a drunken paddy punk with a boombox on his shoulder atop a galloping horse in full stride across the wild west trying find a sixpack before the pubs close outta do it…

Track 6: “Plastic Paddy” is also on “Liquordale” by The Peelers. it’s also S’n’o’s pick for 2004’s album of the year, and rightfully so, Let me guess, I no longer need to convince you any longer right?

On track number 7 there’s a song called “Blackheart” by Jugopunch. To be honest, I haven’t heard them before. So just so you know, I too will be purchasing an album from them. Wanna race?

Tracks 8 & 9 contain a 1-2 punch courtesy of Larkin. The left jab is called “My Day Of Reckoning” and the right upper cut is called “The Devil & I” If you’re a Southpaw, I apologize, just switch it around a bit! I think I can safely say that Larkin are atop the favs list here at S’n’O land.

Track 10 and 11 are from Mutiny. Aka: “Folk Punk For Punk Folk” If you’d like to hear some Aussie folk-punk with a slight case of scurvy, I highly reccomend listening to both “Struggle Town” & this unreleased version of “Drigging for Gold” All you scallywags out there will love ’em both.

12. The Gobshites – “Cheers” Do me a favor… get this album, go down to your local public house press the play button, grab a pint, hold it high, & cheer your mates. The Gobshites are playing, & good times are here!

Track 13 belongs to The Town Pants and their song “The Weight Of Words” I found out about The Town Pants from this very website, (Thanks, Murph!) The Town Pants recently released their best album to date, and this song is just a sample of what else is to come from a band I joking like to call “The Country Shorts” My god, that was just horrible…

#14 is IcewagonFlu’s “Trinity” not only do they provide the cover art folks, The multitasking Icewagon Flu also write some of the catchiest tunes this side of the pond. if you’re not dancing to this one, you don’t have a pulse.

Track 15. McGillicuddys “On The Rocks” The song isn’t excatly the newest track on the album, (2002) but who the hell cares, these guys are timeless. In fact, I’d love to hear another album from them soon. Check ’em out and get in line.

#16. Another band I need to hear more of are the Sharkey Doyles. “Kings Of The One Eleven” is a great introduction to a band I’ve been hearing alot about.

Track 17 comes to us all the way from England. “The Ballad Of Ali Abbas” from Warblefly. Let me tell you, I have all their albums, and can’t get enough of these guys. Top notch music, and without question, one of the best bands out there. A must have.

Track 18. The Pubcrawlers have come a long way. I remember hearing their demo a few years ago, and made a note to myself to keep an eye out for them. “My Brother Sylveste” proves to me that The Pubcrawlers have evolved into one of the best examples of Celt-Core out there…

Number 19. The Porters will make your jaw drop. German streetpunk covered from head to toe in Guinness. “Weila Weila” gets my vote for best sing-along of the album. If you enjoy this track wait until you hear “A Tribute To Arthur Guinness”

20. I was so excited to hear Barney Murray was making music again. The former lead singer of Blood Or Whiskey has returned to form with the previously unreleased “Troublesome Girl” I hope to hear from Barney, but I’ll take what I can get and be more than happy about it.

So there you have it. Shite’n’Onions Volume II – What The Shite… Look for it in your local record store, or better yet order it directly from the source.


Review By “Barnacle” Brian Gillespie

The Pubcrawlers: Another night on the floor

The Pubcrawlers have come a long way from their rough and ready first demo recorded a little over two years ago and while they band still retain that early enthusiasm they have come on in leaps and bounds as a band in terms of musical and studio skill – fans of straight ahead, no frills Celtic-Punk like The Porters, The Real McKenzies and Dropkick Murphys will certainly get a kick outta this and all others should keep an eye on ’em cos that classic is just around the corner.

August 2005


The Pubcrawlers: Falling Through the Floor (DEMO)

Falling… is the first demo from NH/Maine based Celtic-Punkers The Pubcrawlers. Very raw, early-stage stuff but shows tons of potential. The music is street punk crossed with Celtic with a touch of metal (more in the structure of the songs then anything else.) I love the buzz-saw sounding guitars though some times the vocal get buried in the mix and can’t compete with the racket the rest of the guys are making. Great version of “Rattling Bog”. Looking forward to hearing more from these guys in the future especially when they make it into the studio proper (and out of the barn/rehearsal space).

February 2003
