Tag Archives: The Crofters

The Crofters: Hold My Beer While I Kiss Your Girlfriend

Cocky young bunch of buggers, judging them by the title of their CD. They have a right to be cocky, judging them by their music. This is a nice find – actually, they found me, never heard of The Crofters, till this puppy dropped through my mail box.

The average age of this band is only 23, but these young Scottish-Canadians have tons of experience – former members of the Glengarry Bhoys, playing and touring with The Mahones and The Woods Band most recently.

The Woods Band is a good comparison, and actually I first heard “Hold My Beer…” the same day as I heard The Woods Band debut and at points the CD’s are perfectly complementary. Like the Woods Band, The Crofters present us with a nice mix of originals and traditional standards, given a high energy Celtic rock treatment. Though this time with a Scottish bent (“Scotch Rock” they call it)– Check out, “Scotland the Brave”, I haven’t heard this much Scottish passion since Scotland beat England 2-1 at Wembley in ’77.

Cheeky buggers indeed.

December 2003