Tag Archives: FILMMAKER

Filmmaker: An invitation to an Accident

“An invitation to an Accident” is the follow up to full-length to last years EP “Break this Fall” previously reviewed in S’n’O back in April ’02. “An Invitation…” certainly builds upon the ground laid down in the EP, solid indie rock with huge guitars, thunderous drums and soulful almost mournful vocal and lyrics. Reminiscent of Jimmy Eat World and as good as anything you’ll see on MTV2. Unfortunately there is nothing here that distinguishes them from the pack already dominating the alternative airwaves.

February 2003

Filmmaker: Break This Fall

Filmmaker from Saskatchewan, Canada have earned the proud distinction of having their demo downloaded over 40,000 from mp3.com and even reaching number one in the mp3.com charts. “Break This Fall”, their debut CD, originally released last year to big collage radio success north of the border and now release in the USA on Farway Records is six slabs of EMO-ish/post punk indie. Not really my listening cuppa of tea but nevertheless if this is your thing I’d definitely recommend it.

April 2002