Tag Archives: Con

Con: 9 Songs

And now for something completely different. Well sort off. While most Celtic-rock bands use The Clash as their jumping off point from the rock world into the world of The Pogues and onwards to The Dubliners and Clancys. Con from Philadelphia have influences coming from late eighties/early nineties alternative rock – The Pixies and U2 when they were ripping off, eh, being influenced by The Pixies. Adding to this base are traditional Irish melodies which soften the hard guitar edges. Singer-songwriter Frank Daly appropriately enough was with rebel group Spirit of ’16 prior to Con. The lyrics here are some of the most pro-Irish Republican I heard this side of Black 47 or That Petrol Emotion and like both these very fine groups I feel the lyrics may hold the band back from wider acceptance outside the Irish rock scene but I doubt somehow they give a shit about that.

August 2005