Tag Archives: Jugopunch

The Clay Faces: The 3-Track EP

Comprised of three members of the recently defunct band, Jugopunch, plus a new guitarist, ‘The Clay Faces’ sound is, not surprisingly, in the same vein of that rootsy, alternative-folk sound.

Instrumentally comprised of acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin, percussion, harmonica and vocals distributed amongst the quartet, the sound is one of distinct and open clarity without distortion. This openness allows for easy discrimination between the various instruments as well as the vocals. All lyrics, too, are clearly discernible, but with apparent emphasis on vivid imagery. These elements combine to give a sort of timeless quality to the the songs found on this EP.

“The 3-Track EP” has, yes, three tracks, but also a video of the the opening song, “Football on the T.V.” and, for those with even just a passing curiosity in this band, is available for free on the band’s MySpace page. Also on the MySpace site are some examples of the band’s other songs, all cementing the impressions given by the E.P.

If you were a fan of the band, ‘Jugopunch’, you’ll definitely want to look into ‘The Clay Faces’. I’d also recommend this to anyone who likes the sounds of ‘Billy Bragg’, ‘The Men They Couldn’t Hang’, or to those interested in the idea of an English folk-rock band with rootsy, punky leanings.


Review by Christopher Toler, THE Blathering Gommel

The Clay Faces: EP

Jug’o’Punch is dead. Long live The Clay Faces. The mighty Jug’o’Punch may be no more but former members (Andrew – vox, Steve – banjo, Cara & Pauly) have cropped back up as the mighty The Clay Faces. This 4 track debut EP is very much in the hard-folk style of Jug’o’Punch though with a much lesser Irish influence and much more American. i.e.less Clancy Brothers, more Johnny Cash.


Shite’n’Onions: What the Shite

What can I say really? Unless you’re dead, there’s no real reason not to own this compilation… S’n’O II contains some of the best up and coming Celt-Punk (Or whatever) bands out there. Some of them you may know, and some of them you probably won’t. Containing 20 tracks from 18 of the best bands of the “genre” What The Shite is pretty much the ultimate mix tape ever. I seriously haven’t been able to finish any other reviews because this bad boy won’t leave my CD player. (Trust me, that IS saying something.) To say the least, I was surprised (and proud) when S’n’O Volume I came out. Ol’ Murph certianly had an ace card up his sleeve for that one. Shite’n’Onions Volume II is even better! An effin’ royal flush, folks!

Track One is called “Drunken Sailor” & it comes from the Blaggards. You might have heard the song “Drunken Sailor” before, but within two seconds of hearing this version you’ll agree this is one of the better versions out there. (Shay Given approved)

Up next is “Hogjaw” from Jackdaw. it’s a damn same I live so far away from these guys, because from what I’ve heard, Jackdaw’s live show will blow the roof off. Turn up the volume to 11 if you’d like an instant skylight for your home.

Three’s a charm, as they say. The Go Set hails from the shores of Australia, and instantly became of of my favorite bands, and “Sing Me A Song” is a great example. If you like DKM’s “Do Or Die”, you’ll love this!

Track 4 is reserved for The Kissers – “Kicked In The Head” Less than a week ago, The Kissers came through town, and all night long I screamed at the top of my lungs “You Bastards! Play Kicked In The Head!!!” As I’m sure anyone within 5 blocks could tell you that night, I’m a big fan of the song. I’m an even bigger fan of the band, even if their squeezebox player beat me at pool… (The table was crooked.)

Number 5 is for all those Cow-Punks out there. “Pub With No Beer” by Boston’s own, Three Day Threshold. What do they sound like you ask? Just imagine a drunken paddy punk with a boombox on his shoulder atop a galloping horse in full stride across the wild west trying find a sixpack before the pubs close outta do it…

Track 6: “Plastic Paddy” is also on “Liquordale” by The Peelers. it’s also S’n’o’s pick for 2004’s album of the year, and rightfully so, Let me guess, I no longer need to convince you any longer right?

On track number 7 there’s a song called “Blackheart” by Jugopunch. To be honest, I haven’t heard them before. So just so you know, I too will be purchasing an album from them. Wanna race?

Tracks 8 & 9 contain a 1-2 punch courtesy of Larkin. The left jab is called “My Day Of Reckoning” and the right upper cut is called “The Devil & I” If you’re a Southpaw, I apologize, just switch it around a bit! I think I can safely say that Larkin are atop the favs list here at S’n’O land.

Track 10 and 11 are from Mutiny. Aka: “Folk Punk For Punk Folk” If you’d like to hear some Aussie folk-punk with a slight case of scurvy, I highly reccomend listening to both “Struggle Town” & this unreleased version of “Drigging for Gold” All you scallywags out there will love ’em both.

12. The Gobshites – “Cheers” Do me a favor… get this album, go down to your local public house press the play button, grab a pint, hold it high, & cheer your mates. The Gobshites are playing, & good times are here!

Track 13 belongs to The Town Pants and their song “The Weight Of Words” I found out about The Town Pants from this very website, (Thanks, Murph!) The Town Pants recently released their best album to date, and this song is just a sample of what else is to come from a band I joking like to call “The Country Shorts” My god, that was just horrible…

#14 is IcewagonFlu’s “Trinity” not only do they provide the cover art folks, The multitasking Icewagon Flu also write some of the catchiest tunes this side of the pond. if you’re not dancing to this one, you don’t have a pulse.

Track 15. McGillicuddys “On The Rocks” The song isn’t excatly the newest track on the album, (2002) but who the hell cares, these guys are timeless. In fact, I’d love to hear another album from them soon. Check ’em out and get in line.

#16. Another band I need to hear more of are the Sharkey Doyles. “Kings Of The One Eleven” is a great introduction to a band I’ve been hearing alot about.

Track 17 comes to us all the way from England. “The Ballad Of Ali Abbas” from Warblefly. Let me tell you, I have all their albums, and can’t get enough of these guys. Top notch music, and without question, one of the best bands out there. A must have.

Track 18. The Pubcrawlers have come a long way. I remember hearing their demo a few years ago, and made a note to myself to keep an eye out for them. “My Brother Sylveste” proves to me that The Pubcrawlers have evolved into one of the best examples of Celt-Core out there…

Number 19. The Porters will make your jaw drop. German streetpunk covered from head to toe in Guinness. “Weila Weila” gets my vote for best sing-along of the album. If you enjoy this track wait until you hear “A Tribute To Arthur Guinness”

20. I was so excited to hear Barney Murray was making music again. The former lead singer of Blood Or Whiskey has returned to form with the previously unreleased “Troublesome Girl” I hope to hear from Barney, but I’ll take what I can get and be more than happy about it.

So there you have it. Shite’n’Onions Volume II – What The Shite… Look for it in your local record store, or better yet order it directly from the source.


Review By “Barnacle” Brian Gillespie

Jugopunch: Where are we now?

Hard Folk is probably the best description I can come up for Stoke-on-Trent, England’s Jug’o’punch. Part Pogues, part Dubliners with a touch of American bluegrass and blues (lots of harmonicas here). Like The Pogues before ’em, Jug’o’Punch mix the romance of Irish dreams and yearning with the gritty reality of life in the UK  Those like me who loved “Fiver on the horses” and “Cold” from the recent EP will love this full length

August 2005

Jugopunch: Cold/A fiver on the horses

“Trad Irish with balls”, that’s how Stoke-on-Trent’s Jugopunch describe themselves in the press pack that accompanies their new single – Cold/A fiver on the horses – and I’m not going to disagree. The three tracks presented here while strongly rooted in Irish folk like the Clancy’s also nod in the direction of fellow Anglo-Irish men, The Pogues. Think “Dirty Old Town” and “A Pair of Brown Eyes” and you get an idea of the direction the band is going in.

November 2014