Tag Archives: The Fenian Sons

The Fenian Sons: 617

February 8, 2014

617 was not some epic year in Irish history; it was before the Vikings, the Normans and way after St. Patrick was there. In fact nothing much was going on beyond monks scribing away on their manuscripts and distilling whiskey. 617 is actually the Boston area telephone code if you didn’t know that already. The Fenian Sons are a Boston based Irish rebel/ballad group in the strong tradition of The Clancy Brothers, Luke Kelly and The Dubliners and The Wolfe Tones. I don’t seem to hear a lot new good old fashioned Irish rebel / ballad music these days so 617 was nice to hear and The Fenian Sons compare strongly to their influences. It was also great to hear an American rebel song New Orleans and just so there are no hard feelings The Enniskillen Dragoons.

The Fenian Sons are currently on an extensive tour of Roslindale, Dorchester, Charlestown, West Roxbury and South Boston and with plans to doing some overseas touring in Quincy and Cambridge once passports and visas are sorted. So catch ‘em if you can.

Calling it in from the 781 area code