Tag Archives: Los Langeros

Los Langeros: This Is Normal

April 20, 2010

Los Langeros seem like very nice young men from Co. Cork. Well their emails at least indicate that. The music though…well I’m not sure if its genius or insanity. “This is Normal”, sounds like the sound track to a 1970s video nasty in which a Tom Waits like slasher, drunk on poteen and the Fatima Mansions hunts down Willy Nelson with bad intentions and a chainsaw. Like I said, I’m not sure if its genius or insanity. You decide (and Willie watch out).

Los Langeros: Very Interesting

Now for something from way out in left field. Los Langeros are from Cork, Ireland and they play quite possibly the most intense country music ever put to disk – it’s punk, trash and Hank feckin Williams. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah… very interesting CD. Curious, go to http://www.unsignedireland.com/artists/loslangeros.htm and listen to some mp3’s.

February 2005