Tag Archives: Shambolics

Shambolics: Pogue Mahone

January 21, 2015

The back and front cover of this six track mini-album probably gives a better impression of of what Shambolics sound like then any review I could write. The front cover is a cartoon pirate – kilted, ginger hair, teeth that would make MacGowan proud, accordion in one hand and banjo in the other. The back cover is the tattooed, mooning arse of said pirate – Pogue Mahone indeed!

Four track of fu#k you, Celtic punk’n’roll attitude (Pogue Mahone, Seven Seas, Halfway Inn and Filfee Feeving Bastards) with some familiar melodies (hey they guys are pirates so they probably looted the tunes). Why Try to Change Me is a more mushy ballad. Only You is the strange one, maybe the pirate was trying to woo a fair maiden from the islands with some reggae
